MARYSVILLE — For Kelli Smith there’s a hole — like a piece missing from a quilt. The grief catches her in random, unexpected ways, the Marysville woman said. Sometimes, it taps her on the shoulder when she sees a sweatshirt in a store and she realizes she doesn’t have a […]
Responding to “When Women Say Yes to God.” In Lamentations 3, God tells us “His compassions are new every morning.” As I read these verses along with Romans 12:2, where God tells us we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, the words “reconciliation” and “grace” come to my […]
There’s a saying that goes something like this: “Necessity is the mother of all invention.” With its characteristic (manic) jam sessions, “complex, dissonant harmonies,” “rhythmically unpredictable skeins of accompanying (piano) chords,” and Kenny Clarke-style “dropping bomb” techniques on drums[1], what compelled bebop? On the surface, necessity might not seem to […]
Petunias and the Era of Romanticism Sometime this spring, bright purple flowers began to appear in my driveway growing in the gravel, all on their own. All summer— in the suffocating heat — they bloomed in a bright and joyful cadence of purples and pinks. Appearing first in sprigs of […]
“Any healing is best accomplished in a journey with others. I invite anyone who has experienced a loss or a hardship to join me for a therapeutic writing workshop called Writing to Heal from Trauma, from 10 am to noon, Saturday, April 14. Sign Up Here The Workshop […]
Hello, I\’m Leita. I created this online community so that I could help other writers along with their writing. I\’ve participated in writing groups, workshops and courses over the years, and I thoroughly enjoy helping others with their writing. I would love to invite you to submit your writing, essays, […]
Petunias and the Era of Romanticism Sometime this spring, bright purple flowers began to appear in my driveway growing in the gravel, all on their own. All summer— in the suffocating heat — they bloomed in a bright and joyful cadence of purples and pinks. Appearing first in sprigs of […]
Let\’s start a much needed conversation about grief When my husband died to me there were no casseroles or candles. I can’t recall the exact moment when the man I knew and had been married to for 20 years, died. It happened slowly, over time. The erosion occurred in millimeter […]
“Remembering and telling the truth about terrible events are prerequisites both for the restoration of the social order and for the healing of individual victims. The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud is the central dialectic of psychological trauma.” JUDITH LEWIS […]
Georgia O’Keefe once said: “nobody sees a flower — really — it is so small — we haven’t time — and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time ….” Contribution to the exhibition catalogue An American place (1944). Perhaps I think too much, but I have […]
One of my favorite quotes is one by Albert Einstein: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Einstein also said that if he were asked to solve one of the world’s most challenging problems and he had just one hour in which to do […]
Mr. Tracy Warner Editorial Page Editor The Wenatchee World 14 North Mission Street Wenatchee, WA 98801 RE: Guest Editorial Dear Mr. Warner, I am writing to propose a guest editorial about domestic violence for The Wenatchee World. I realize you must consider many factors when deciding what to include on […]